Saturday, September 11, 2010

All Women Loves Diamond

All women loves a diamond, they want to have it by own especially if someone who are very special in heart gift that a precious gemstone as a gift. Wow she is the lucky one! Diamond in the ancient Greek means "unbreakable". As we know diamond is the highest hardness and thermal conductivity of any bulk material. At least 3,000 years but most likely 6,000 years we’ve known that diamond was discovered mined in India, the first country mining the diamond, used for religious icons purpose in ancient India.

Type of Diamond

There are seven (7) types of diamonds had been categorists so far:

1. Pink Diamonds

Africa, Brazil and India is a three country mining the pink diamond but cannot defeat the Argyle mine because this mine is the world's foremost source of unrivalled intense pink diamonds and producing about 95% of the world's supply. Why it’s happen? The pink diamonds of India, Brazil and Africa were characteristically light in colour and paled even further when placed beside the intensely pink Argyle diamonds.

2. White Diamonds

Once again white diamonds from Argyle mine jump up to the first and most brilliant with a high quality diamond in the world. As we know white diamond are produced by mines all over the world in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.

Argyle mine also produced a white diamonds with secondary pink colour, that command a higher price per carat depending on its depth and strength, because pink is one of the most rare colours found in diamonds.

3. Champagne Diamonds

Light straw to rich cognac is a colour for champagne diamonds. According to 4C’s ( color, cut, clarity, carat weight) Argyle diamonds is the top diamond in Champaign Diamonds category.

4. Pink Champagne Diamonds
Attractive champagne diamonds with secondary pink colour are also available and command a higher price per carat than champagne diamonds. These stones display slight to bold flashes of pink in their fire.

5. Yellow Diamonds
Fancy yellow diamonds come in a broad range of shades ranging from light yellow to a rich canary colour.

6. Blue Diamonds
Fancy blue diamonds are available in a wide range of shades, from the blue of the sky to a more "steely" colour than sapphire.

7. Green Diamonds
Green diamonds are also available depend on penetration of the colour is not very deep and is often removed during the fashioning of the stone.

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